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DIY Ginger Oil Mask for Hair Growth | Cure for Dandruff & Thinning Hair

Whether searching ancient Ayurveda remedies from India, Chinese herbal remedies or folk medicine from Europe and America, you’ll find ginger plays a prominent role. If your mother every gave you ginger ale for stomach problems, you probably already know about the benefits for nausea.

However, it’s used for so many ailments, such as easing the effects of the common cold and aiding in relieving the pain of arthritis. One of the primary pain relieving components is gingerol. Today, science backs up the benefits and add to them, even more, uses, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

DIY Ginger Oil Mask for Hair Growth | Cure for Dandruff & Thinning Hair

Health & Body Benefits of Ginger

  • Not only is ginger good for your health, it’s a fabulous beauty aid too.
  • Ginger contains many phytochemicals and nutrients that can help you look your best.
  • It has anti-aging properties due to the antioxidants. It improves circulation, repairs damaged hair follicles and contains keratin proteins that help hair grow and softens hair when you apply this mixture topically.
  • It comes in some different colors, but all of the have the same benefits. Ginger can be yellow, red or white on the inside, but the light brown skin of this root is always similar.

Because of the ability of ginger to stimulate circulation and the keratin proteins, a hair mask made of ginger can bring life back to your hair and make it look fabulous.

Ginger Oil Hair Mask

Prep time
10 mins
Total time
10 mins

If you have a scalp or dandruff problem, you should try this hair mask as it really cleanses your scalp thus, helps with the new hair growth.


  • 3-4 knobs of fresh ginger
  • Olive oil or coconut oil


  1. Peel the skin of the ginger
  2. Grate the ginger (the easiest to get the juice of the ginger)
  3. Using a strainer or a cheesecloth, squeeze the grated ginger and separate the juice from the pulp (this is optional - you can dilute the mixture with water because the ginger may sting your scalp or you have a sensitive scalp)
  4. Add olive oil or coconut oil - just eyeball the amount but use more oil than the ginger juice
  5. Mix the mixture and apply it by section into your scalp by using cotton pads or cotton balls.
  6. Make sure your scalp is fully coated.
  7. You can do this routine once or twice a week to see improvements.
  8. Do a 3 minute scalp massage and wrap your hair with a plastic bag
  9. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes and wash it off with shampoo and conditioner.


If you have a scalp or dandruff problem, you should try this hair mask as it really cleanses your scalp. And remember, to see the result, you need to be consistent in using this regularly.


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