Hair lamination, or also known as the gelatin hair mask, has been around for a few years now, and it’s basically the same concept as paper lamination: to apply a protective layer and add gloss. This DIY hair lamination mask does the exact same thing: it adds a protective layer to the hair, adding mega shine, softness, and overall healthier strands. Most hair lamination procedures are done at the salon and are usually called “gloss treatments”. The problem with gloss treatments though is that they’re very expensive and they also use a lot of chemicals. This DIY hair lamination mask uses only gelatin (the kind you buy at the store, Knox for example) and coconut oil (or any other oil will work just as well!). The key ingredient is gelatin, which contains proteins from the collagen that is extracted from animals. Sounds gross yes, but gelatin has been used for decades in a lot of different beauty DIYs, especially hair, nails, and skin. After using the DIY hair lamination mask, yo...